I want you to join my “Gen Z Journey” 🏃🏾‍♂️

People in my generation never go on a journey alone.

With the devices in our pockets, we always have a community of dozens—no, hundreds—no, thousands of people we can bring with us wherever we go: when a Gen Z’er takes a road trip, we can pack a stadium of passengers in the back seat. If a “Zoomer” wants to show off a dish from their favorite restaurant, a table for two can turn into a table for millions.


Our smartphones fit more people than any physical venue


I’m no different.

Over the past year, my life changed when I amassed an online following of over 500,000 people across Tiktok, Instagram, and LinkedIn. I turned down a post-graduation job offer, I was featured in the New York Times, and I started my own full-time small business at the age of 21. This business allowed me to lease to my first apartment right after college.


But up until now, my online “journey” could be better described as a slow crawl. There are two main reasons for this:

(1) School. Imagine the difficulty of dividing time between—say—my History senior thesis and making Tiktoks

(2) My “one-foot-in/one-foot-out” approach of not taking the job of being a digital creator as seriously as I could have. After all, I was surrounded by people who thought the only viable jobs were in finance, tech, or fin-tech.

I entered this online influencer space because it was fun, because I got to share my hot takes, and because the information I put out online could have a positive impact. All of those things still hold true, but now I realize I can actually dedicate my entire life to this.

A huge step in my journey of becoming a full-time content creator will be this blog/newsletter.

The idea of starting it comes from a productivity Youtuber named Ali Abdaal, who promotes the dire need for creators to “Show Your Work!” as popularized by Austin Kleon. The principle is simple. You can reach a wider audience, develop deeper connections, and eventually reflect on your growth best if you document what you do on a public platform.


And “showing my work” is what I plan to do as I continue to educate a following larger than the population of Iceland from my bedroom. In these posts, you can expect to see stories of success and failure, lists of tips and tricks, and everything else that is integral to the process of becoming a full-time digital content creator in the education and advocacy space.

If you want to join me on this journey, sign up to receive the rest of these posts straight to your email.

I hope you come along!


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